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Agreement For Exclusivity In Selling Listing


To: [name of broker]
[address of broker]

In consideration of your services to be rendered in listing and undertaking to sell the property described below, we appoint you exclusive agent with the exclusive right to sell the property located at [address of property] together with the following improvements and fixtures: [description of improvements]. The minimum selling price shall be $[Minimum selling price].

If the sold, or traded by us or by anyone else within the time specified in this listing, you shall receive from the sale your commission [Percent commission]% of the purchase price. Should this property be sold or traded within [days after expiration] days after the expiration of this listing agreement to a purchaser you have been negotiating with then the stated commission shall become due and payable on demand.

This listing contract shall continue until midnight, the last hour of [date of termination].

Signature Date

Signature Date